Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation Glider Shop is located at...
4287 W. Safari Dr..
Meadview, AZ 86444
(click here to view map)

Our training field... Airtoyz Ultralight Flightpark on Red (dry) Lake Playa
(click image to enlarge)
Ultralight & Experimental Paraglider, Chute, Kite, and Fabric Wing Inspection Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We have expanded our paraglider and powered parachute inspection services to include hang glider wings, weight-shift control trike wings, fixed-wing ultralight fabric coverings, kites, and landsailer sails! We offer complete safety inspections, incident inspections, and individual component inspections. Porosity testing, fabric strength testing, lines strength testing, symmetry check, laser trim measurements, and fabric backlighting are all standard with a Complete Inspection!
Click here:
Airtoyz Glider, Wing, Kite, & Sail Inspection Services for more information!
Ultralight & Experimental Paraglider, Chute, Kite, and Fabric Wing Repair Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We have expanded our paraglider and powered parachute repair services to include hang glider wings, weight-shift control trike wings, fixed-wing ultralight fabric coverings, kites, and landsailer sails. Small tears and abrasion to major shreddings, we can fix it all! We will thoroughly assess your damages and give you a firm quote for approval before proceeding with the repairs.
Click here:
Airtoyz Glider, Wing, Kite, & Sail Repair Services for more information!
Paraglider, Powered Parachute, and Kite Replacement Lines Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We can duplicate individual lines that you replace yourself. Or you can send your paraglider, chute, or kite in for individual line replacements or to install a complete new factory line set!
Click here:
Airtoyz Replacement Lines Services for more information!
Reserve Parachute Inspection & Repacking Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! Our FAA Certified Rigger will inspect and repack your standard, square, or steerable reserve parachute insuring peak performance if it is ever needed!
Click here:
Airtoyz Reserve Parachute Inspection & Repacking Services for more information!
Ultralight & Experimental Airframe, Trike, & Chassis Inspection & Repair Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We will thoroughly inspect your ultralight or experimental paramotor, powered parachute, trike, fixed-wing, or hang glider chassis and/or frame. We will identify all safety issues and make recommendations for repair or replacement. Electrical systems diagnosis and repair is also available.
Click here:
Airtoyz Airframe, Trike, & Chassis Inspection Services for more information!
Ultralight & Experimental Engine Inspection & Repair Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We will thoroughly inspect your ultralight or experimental paramotor, powered parachute, trike, fixed-wing, or hang glider chassis and/or frame. We will identify all safety issues and make recommendations for repair or replacement. Electrical systems diagnosis and repair is also available. Engine and airframe repair services will be coming soon!
Click here:
Airtoyz Engine Inspection & Repair Services for more information!
New Ultralight PG, PPG, PPC, and PWS Equipment For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers an extensive line up of quality ultralight paraglider, paramotor, powered parachute & powered weight shift equipment sales!
Click here:
Airtoyz New Ultralight Equipment Sales for more information!
Used Ultralight & Experimental PG, PPG, PPC, PWS, and PFW Equipment For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers free and commission-based used ultralight & experimental Paraglider, Paramotor, Powered Parachute & Powered Weight Shift equipment for sale listings!
Click here:
Airtoyz Used Ultralight Equipment For Sale for more information!
Ultralight Flight Training Services...
Our Chief Instructor, Drew Vroman, has been a pilot since 1981 and has been training people how to fly ultralights since 2003.
Drew is a Certified Aero Sports Connection (ASC) Basic Flight Instructor (BFI-PPG/PPW/PWS) [powered paraglider/powered para wing (chute)/powered weight shift] with an FAA approved ASC Exemption For Tandem Training (Exemption No. 9785F).
Drew is also a United States Powered Paragliding Association (USPPA) Powered Paragliding Foot-Launch level 3 (PPG3 FL) and Powered Paragliding Wheel-Launch level 3 (PPG3 WL) rated pilot. USPPA PPG ratings wll be available soon.
Drew first learned to fly fixed-wing aircraft in 1981 while attending the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks studying for a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics with a Major in Commercial Aviation and earned FAA VFR and IFR Private Pilot ratings.
In 2003 while working at Private Aircraft Werks in Tulsa, OK as a machinist/welder/webmaster, Drew became an EAA Weight Shift Control (WSC) Basic Flight Instructor (BFI). Drew helped to manufacture the Private Aircraft Werks 'Low Rider Trike', a 2-seat ultralight trike training chassis that was legal for Part 103 tandem training under the old FAA Part 103 ultralight training exemption.
Drew has over 600 hours of Powered Weight Shift PWS/WSC ultralight trike flight time.
Weight Shift Control () trikes are also known as Powered Weight Shift (PWS) trikes, ultralight trikes, delta trikes, delta wing trikes, powered hang gliders (PHG), microlights, nanolights, and just plain 'trikes'.
Drew learned to fly powered parachutes (PPC) in 2004 (ASC uses the term PPW [powered para wing]). These are the easiest of all Part 103 ultralights to fly!
All Airtoyz Ultralight Aviatorz Instructors offer ASC Certified PPG foot-launch and wheel-launch, ultralight PWS trike, and ultralight PPW (powered para wing) training.
Ultralight Powered Fixed-Wing (PFW) ground school training and 'first flights' radio assistance is also offered.
Tandem flights are the core of our training philosophy.
General aviation and commercial pilots have been successfully taught to fly with their instructor sitting beside them for decades. Now that we are allowed to use wheeled tandem training in approved Part 103 ultralights with an FAA exemption why would you want to have your very first flight be solo?
We feel there is no better way to develop your skills and become familiar with flying than to control the ultralight vehicle while your instructor is 'right there' to coach you and assist as needed.
After many tandem flights as 'Pilot-In-Command' (PIC), you will have the skills and confidence to make your solo flights without anxiety or fear!
All of our training syllabi use ASC and USPPA PPG1, PPG2, and PPG3 course syllabi as their foundations, but with additional elements and refinement based on the EAA "Training Guide for Weight-Shift Control Ultralights", the FAA "Weight-Shift Control Aircraft Flying Handbook", the FAA "Powered Parachute Flying Handbook", Dew's personal experience, and various other flight safety and awareness oriented documents. We fully embrace the
USPPA Instructor Commitment doctrine. As student demand grows we will be adding more ASC/USPPA Certified Instructors to our team. We limit student enrollment to 2 students per instructor to insure each student gets as much attention as needed.
Click here:
Airtoyz Ultralight Flight Training Services for more information!
When you train at Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation you do not have to buy equipment from us! You are free to bring your own new or used gear!
If you do choose to purchase some or all of your gear from us, be assured that we will never push one brand over another and will always offer honest and unbiased information and recommendations.
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation is an authorized dealer representing the following brands of PPG, PPW, PWS, and PFW equipment and accessories...
(Click here to browse these products by type instead)
Airtoyz Wind Sportz is located at...

Our wind sports playground... Airtoyz Landsailer Track on Red (dry) Lake Playa
(click image to enlarge)
Mailing Address:
Airtoyz Wind Sportz
4287 W. Safari Dr..
Meadview, AZ 86444
(click here to view map)
Blokart Landsailer Lessons...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz offers the best folding landsailer, Blokart! Welcome to the southwest's premier land sailing school where we sail high performance, state-of-the-art, racing Blokarts (aka landsailer or land yacht) on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona. You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping land sailing excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country!
Click here:
Blokart Landsailer Lessons for more information!
Blokart Landsailer Rentals...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz rents the best folding landsailer, Blokart! Welcome to the southwest's premier land sailing school where we sail high performance, state-of-the-art, racing Blokarts (aka landsailer or land yacht) on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona. You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping land sailing excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! After learning how to safely sail a Blokart landsailer, you will be qualified to rent a Blokart from us by the hour, day, or week!
Click here:
Blokart Landsailer Rentals for more information!
Power/Traction Kite Flying Lessons...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz offers professional power & traction kite flying lessons! Welcome to the southwest's premier power & traction kite flying school where we fly high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona. You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping power & traction kite flying excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! Learn 2-line, 3-line, or 4-line kite control, trick flying, and 'scudding'. You will also get safety training and learn to forecast proper weather conditions.
Click here:
Power/Traction Kite Flying Lessons for more information!
Power Kite Rentals...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz rents high-quality power kites! Welcome to the southwest's premier power & traction kite flying school where we fly high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona. You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping power & traction kite flying excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! After learning how to safely fly power kites, you will be qualified to rent a power kite from us by the hour, day, or week!
Click here:
Power Kite Rentals for more information!
Kite Buggy Lessons...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz offers professional kite buggy lessons! Welcome to the southwest's premier kite buggy school where we use high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites to pull our race-quality kite buggies around at speeds of 50+ MPH on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping kite powered buggy excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! Learn to use a 3-line, or 4-line power/traction kite as a power source for high-speed travel and racing with a kite buggy. You will also get safety training and learn to forecast proper weather conditions.
Click here:
Kite Buggy Lessons for more information!
Kite Buggy Rentals...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz rents high-quality kite buggies! Welcome to the southwest's premier kite buggy school where we use high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites to pull our race-quality kite buggies around at speeds of 50+ MPH on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping kite powered buggy excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! After learning how to safely fly power kites and use a kite buggy, you will be qualified to rent a kite buggy from us by the hour, day, or week!
Click here:
Kite Buggy Rentals for more information!
Kite Landboard Lessons...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz offers professional kite landboard lessons! Welcome to the southwest's premier kite landboard school where we use high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites to pull our landboards (mountainboard/ATB/all-terrain board/off-road skateboard) around at speeds of 40+ MPH on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping kite powered landboarding excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! Learn to use a 3-line, or 4-line power/traction kite as a power source for high-speed travel, tricks, and racing with a kite landboard. You will also get safety training and learn to forecast proper weather conditions.
Click here:
Kite Landboard Lessons for more information!
Kite Landboard (ATB) Rentals...
Airtoyz Wind Sportz rents high-quality kite landboards! Welcome to the southwest's premier kite landboard school where we use high performance, state-of-the-art, 4-line kites to pull our landboards (all-terrain board/off-road skateboard) around at speeds of 40+ MPH on the 16.5 square mile open playa of Red (dry) Lake, Arizona! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping kite powered landboarding excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! After learning how to safely fly power kites and use a kite landboard, you will be qualified to rent a kite landboard from us by the hour, day, or week!
Click here:
Kite Landboard (ATB) Rentals for more information!
Power/Traction Kite & Landsailer Sail Repair Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We have expanded our paraglider and powered parachute repair services to include hang glider wings, weight-shift control trike wings, fixed-wing ultralight fabric coverings, kites, and landsailer sails. Small tears, abrasion, mast sheath replacement, to major shreddings, we can fix it all! We will thoroughly assess your damages and give you a firm quote for approval before proceeding with the repairs.
Click here:
Airtoyz Glider, Wing, Kite, & Sail Repair Services for more information!
Kite Replacement Lines Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We can duplicate individual lines that you replace yourself. Or you can send your kite in for individual line replacements or to install a complete new factory line set!
Click here:
Airtoyz Replacement Lines Services for more information!
Landsailer, Blokart, Kite Buggy, & Landboard Inspection & Repair Services...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers extreme quality and professional service! We will thoroughly inspect your landsailer, Blokart, kite buggy, or landboard (ATB). We will identify all safety issues and damages and make recommendations for repair or replacement.
Click here:
Airtoyz Landsailer, Blokart, Kite Buggy, & Landboard Inspection & Repair Services for more information!
New Blokart Landsailers, Power Kite, Kite Buggy, & Kite Landboard Equipment For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers a quality line up of Blokart landsailers, power & traction kites, kite buggies, & kite landboard equipment sales!
Click here:
Airtoyz New Blokart Landsailers, Power Kite, Kite Buggy, & Kite Landboard Equipment Sales for more information!
Used Power Kite, Kite Buggy, & Kite Landboard Equipment For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers free and commission-based used Blokarts, landsailers, power & traction kites, kite buggies, & kite landboard equipment for sale listings!
Click here:
Airtoyz Used Power Kite, Kite Buggy, & Kite Landboard Equipment For Sale for more information!
When you train at Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation you do not have to buy equipment from us! You are free to bring your own new or used gear!
If you do choose to purchase some or all of your gear from us, be assured that we will never push one brand over another and will always offer honest and unbiased information and recommendations.
Airtoyz Wind Sportz is an authorized dealer representing the following brands of wind sports equipment and accessories...
(Click here to browse these products by type instead)
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is located at...

Our RC & model rockets playgrounds on Red (dry) Lake Playa...
Airtoyz RC Airfield
Airtoyz RC Raceway
Airtoyz Model Rocket Pad
(click image to enlarge)
Mailing Address:
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz
4287 W. Safari Dr..
Meadview, AZ 86444
(click here to view map)
Radio Control Model Aircraft Lessons...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based at one of the largest RC airfields in the USA! Welcome to the southwest's premier radio control model aircraft school where we fly all types of model aircraft from the smallest scale, electric powered aircraft, to the largest scale, high performance jets! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping radio control model aircraft flying excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! LESSONS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Radio Control Model Aircraft Lessons for more information!
Radio Control Model Aircraft Rentals...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based at the AMA sanctioned Airtoyz RC Airfield, one of the largest RC airfields in the USA! Welcome to the southwest's premier radio control model aircraft school where we fly all types of model aircraft from the smallest scale, electric powered aircraft, to the largest scale, high performance jets! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping radio control model aircraft flying excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! RENTALS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Radio Control Model Aircraft Rentals for more information!
Radio Control Drone Lessons...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based at the AMA sanctioned Airtoyz RC Airfield, one of the largest RC airfields in the USA! Welcome to the southwest's premier radio control model aircraft school where we fly all types of model aircraft from the smallest scale, electric powered aircraft, to the largest scale, high performance jets! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping radio control Drone flying excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! LESSONS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Radio Control Drone Lessons for more information!
Radio Control Car and Truck Racing Lessons...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based in the Airtoyz Adventure Ranch's RC and model rocket area! Welcome to the southwest's premier radio control car and truck racing school where we race all types of model cars on the ROAR sanctioned Airtoyz RC Raceway where we will soon have a road course track, an oval track, a drift track, and an off-road track! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping radio control car and truck racing excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! LESSONS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Radio Control Car and Truck Racing Lessons for more information!
Radio Control Car and Truck Rentals...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based in the Airtoyz Adventure Ranch's RC and model rocket area! Welcome to the southwest's premier radio control car and truck racing school where we race all types of model cars on the ROAR sanctioned Airtoyz RC Raceway where we will soon have a road course track, an oval track, a drift track, and an off-road track! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping radio control car and truck racing excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! RENTALS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Radio Control Car and Truck Rentals for more information!
Model & High-Power Rocket Lessons...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based in the Airtoyz Adventure Ranch's RC and model rocket area! Welcome to the southwest's premier model & high-power rocket school where we launch all types of model & high-power rockets on the NAR sanctioned Airtoyz Model Rocket Pad! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping model & high-power rocket excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! LESSONS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Model & High-Power Rocket Lessons for more information!
Model & High-Power Rocket Rentals...
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is based in the Airtoyz Adventure Ranch's RC and model rocket area! Welcome to the southwest's premier model & high-power rocket school where we launch all types of model & high-power rockets on the NAR sanctioned Airtoyz Model Rocket Pad! You won't find this type of adrenaline pumping model & high-power rocket excitement and instruction anywhere else in the country! RENTALS COMING SOON!
Click here:
Model & High-Power Rocket Rentals for more information!
New RC Aircraft, RC Cars & Trucks and Model Rocket Equipment For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers a quality line up of RC aircraft, RC cars & trucks and model rocket equipment sales! COMING SOON!
Click here:
Airtoyz New RC Aircraft, RC Cars & Trucks and Model Rocket Equipment Sales for more information!
Used RC Aircraft, RC Cars & Trucks and Model Rocket For Sale...
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers free and commission-based used RC aircraft, RC cars & trucks and model rocket equipment for sale listings!
Click here:
Airtoyz Used RC Aircraft, RC Cars & Trucks and Model Rocket Equipment For Sale for more information!
If you do choose to purchase some or all of your gear from us, be assured that we will never push one brand over another and will always offer honest and unbiased information and recommendations.
Airtoyz RC & Model Rocketz is an authorized dealer representing the following brands of RC aircraft, RC cars & trucks and model rocket equipment and accessories...
(Click here to browse these products by type instead)
- We Support -
The United States of America
 United States Powered Paragliding Assoc.
 Aero Sports Connection
 United States Ultralight Association
 North American Blokart Sailing Association
 International Blokart Racing Association
 American Kitefliers Association
 Ivanpah Buggy eXpo
 Academy of Model Aeronautics
 Remotely Operated Auto Racers
 National Association of Rocketry