PPC Trikes & Quads
Powered Parachute / Power Chute Trike & Quad Frames
Join the
Airtoyz Ultralight Aviatorz Club and get 5% off all of your new gear purchases and early notice of used school gear for sale!
PPG Packages
Foot Launch and Wheel Launch Powered Paraglider / Paramotor Packages
PPC Packages
Ultralight Powered Parachute / Power Chute Packages
Ultralight PWS/WSC Trike Packages
Ultralight Weight-Shift Control Trike / Powered Hang Glider / Ultralight Trike / Nanolight Trike Packages.
Free Flight & Power Paragliders
PPC Power Chutes
Powered Parachute Power Chutes / Canopies
Ultralight PWS/WSC Trike Wings
Ultralight Weight-Shift Control Trike / Powered Hang Glider / Ultralight Trike / Nanolight Trike Wings
PPG Paramotors
Foot Launch and Wheel Launch Powered Paraglider Motors / Paramotors
Ultralight Engines & Parts
2-Stroke & 4-Stroke Ultralight PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Engines & Parts
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Propellers
Powered Paragliding Trike & Quad Frames.
PPG Trikes & Quads
Powered Paragliding Trike & Quad Frames.
PPC Trikes & Quads
Powered Parachute / Power Chute Trike & Quad Frames
Ultralight PWS/WSC Trikes
Ultralight Weight-Shift Control Trike / Powered Hang Glider / Ultralight Trike / Nanolight Trikes.
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Reserve Parachutes & Flotation Devices
Reserve Parachutes & Flotation Devices
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Helmets & Communications
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Helmets & Communications
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Instruments
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Instruments
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Accessories
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Universal & Type Specific Accessories
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Clothing
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike Clothing
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike DVDs & Books
PPG, PPC &PWS/WSC Trike DVDs & Books
- We Support -

The United States of America
 United States Powered Paragliding Assoc.
 Aero Sports Connection
 United States Ultralight Association
 North American Blokart Sailing Association
 International Blokart Racing Association
 American Kitefliers Association
 Ivanpah Buggy eXpo
Disclaimer & Warning About Ultralight Flying Vehicles, Ultralight Equipment, and Ultralight Training:
All applicable product warranties are provided by the specific product manufacturer. The following is Airtoyz's general disclaimer & warning: ultralight flight, as with any form of flight, carries potential risks including personal injury, property damage, or death. This sport can be as safe or as dangerous as you choose to make it. None of our offered equipment is intended for acrobatic or competitive use, in any way, shape or form. Do not purchase equipment or participate in this sport unless you are prepared to personally assume ALL risks. We require you receive professional training from a recognized instructor before you attempt to assemble, start, use, or fly your ultralight equipment. Self-training greatly increases your chances of equipment and physical damage or death. ALL participation in this sport is at your own risk. Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation offers the safest and most reliable equipment on the market. Learning on new reliable equipment will produce the best environment and circumstance for safe and successful training. Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation reserves the right to refuse sales and training to any individual which we deem unfit or unsafe to fly. Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation assumes no liability or responsibility for the proper assembly, use, maintenance, or performance of any equipment supplied by Airtoyz Ultralight Aviation, its owners, or employees. This website, it's information, & our policies are subject to change, at any time, without prior notice.
- We Support -
The United States of America
 United States Powered Paragliding Assoc.
 Aero Sports Connection
 United States Ultralight Association
 North American Blokart Sailing Association
 International Blokart Racing Association
 American Kitefliers Association
 Ivanpah Buggy eXpo
 Academy of Model Aeronautics
 Remotely Operated Auto Racers
 National Association of Rocketry